Home Bodies

October 14, 2023

March 9, 2024
Home Bodies brings together the work of artists Fawn Krieger and David B. Smith. Krieger and Smith layer, collide, and collapse physical materials and visual forms to reimagine ceramics and textiles, respectively. 

Home Bodies brings together the work of artists Fawn Krieger and David B. Smith. Krieger and Smith layer, collide, and collapse physical materials and visual forms to reimagine ceramics and textiles, respectively. 

Home Bodies

This exhibition was conceived in a global viral pandemic during which the concept and context of the home became a site for reinvention. Confined largely to our living spaces, many of us felt physically and emotionally isolated, and the home became as much a site of entrapment as one of refuge. Home can have many meanings. Krieger and Smith consider the idea of home as our physical environments, interior lives and imaginations, and our own bodies. Here, home is a place of care and freedom, a place to dream and create.

The work draws us in with its playful use of materials. Looking closer, we can see how both artists have created visual languages that are experimental and improvised yet also familiar and soothing as a result of their repetitive and meditative nature.

As we look, our bodies react. Krieger’s ceramic forms, which are pressed firmly into concrete that oozes and wraps around it like mud squishing up between bare toes, make my mouth itch, and my lips purse involuntarily. The concrete acts as negative space but also as a binder, a home where shapes are gathered and held.

While the softness and domesticity of Smith’s fiber works are comforting, the frenetic energy of the patterns and layered forms keeps the eye moving between areas of density and transparency. The work is restless and somehow manages to be thick and thin at the same time. Its tactility invites the touch–indeed, sparks a desperate desire to touch.

Both artists explore ideas of attachment and accumulation as they develop and layer pattern and form. The work is additive and purposely crowded, and yet both artists also drill down and get to a core of some sort, revealing an interiority that relies on a kind of removal or paring back. The physical spaces they create are filled with life and its chaos and clamor. The need for quietness and solitude that is also expressed in the work is a direct reaction to this cacophony. Krieger and Smith are finding home outside and inside themselves and exploring its contradictions.

Taking the idea of paring back or excavation even further, Krieger’s works often take on the characteristics of an archaeological site, where layers of earth have been scraped and brushed away to reveal forms that call to mind vessels, domestic artifacts, furniture, or a decadent TV dinner. Smith’s works incorporate textiles printed and woven with personal and collective imagery that urges us to search for their source. As we try to make our way to the center of the work, the volume and softness push us back, while transparent layers and small areas of negative space draw us deeper down. 

The work in Home Bodies is so many things at once, just as the idea of home can be. It is dynamic and generative. It is personal and felt deeply in the body. Krieger and Smith continually push themselves and their materials to discover new ways of making and discovering meaning. Their work is an offering to us, and to themselves—a celebration of creative labor and all the joy, frustration, and possibility that it entails.

— Sarah Freeman, curator

Artist Details

Fawn Krieger

Fawn Krieger is a NY-based artist, whose multi-genre works examine themes of touch, ownership and exchange. Her Flintstonian tactility and penchant for scale compressions reveal an unlikely collision of private and public, where intimate moments also serve as social ruptures. She received her BFA from Parsons School of Design, and her MFA from Bard College’s Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts. Her work has been exhibited at The Kitchen, Art in General, Nice & Fit Gallery, The Moore Space, Von Lintel Gallery, the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Human Resources, Fleisher Ollman Gallery, Real Art Ways, Soloway Gallery, and Neon>fdv. Her work has been written about in the New York Times, Artforum, Art in America, Sculpture Magazine, The Brooklyn Rail, NY Arts, Flash Art, and Texte zur Kunst. Krieger is a 2019 Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Award Fellow, and has received additional grants from Art Matters Foundation, The Jerome Foundation, and The John Anson Kittredge Educational Fund, among others. She serves as Program Director at The Keith Haring Foundation and Adjunct Instructor in Sculpture at The Cooper Union School of Art.


David B. Smith

Smith makes fabric-based photo-sculpture, installation, and sound performance to explore fantasy, loss, commodity, and connection in American culture. To gain access to the back-end of cultural memory, he playfully rearranges iconography using pseudo programming code - comprised of digital and analog fragmentation, accreditation, and reorientation. He isolates patterns, crosses wires, and entertains poetic interpretations, making the once familiar strange and unsettling, yet oddly cozy.


Brattleboro Museum and Art Center
10 Vernon St. Brattleboro, VT

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