Confluence Acupuncture
Confluence Acupuncture works in three modalities: acupuncture, manual therapies, and Chinese herbs. Though these are different, it can be helpful to understand them as three parts of a whole. Treatments occasionally include all three, but often there is a single approach that’s best for the condition and the individual. All of our treatment plans are tailored to fit your individual needs.
Before we consider any of these means, it’s vital to sit and have a conversation. We treat the individual—the whole person—rather than any particular symptom. Each of us is a system and all that we do here is focused on balancing that system so that all things can flow towards relief and overall health.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have existed for over 2000 years, although modern science is only just beginning to explain them. However, these approaches to health must be judged not by their longevity but by their effectiveness.
Find our upcoming events here, and find out more by visiting our website at confluenceacupuncture.com.
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