Waking Windows, an indie rock and underground music festival in Winooski, Vermont, faced challenges due to the pandemic and the busy lives of its organizers. Despite doubts about continuing the festival, a smaller, locally focused version was staged in 2023, which proved to be successful and showed the organizers that they could still make the event happen. This year, the festival returns with an expanded lineup of acts at various venues throughout Winooski. The event includes both touring and local Vermont bands, as well as additional programming such as Drag Queen Story Hour, a reading series, standup comedy showcases, and a free bicycle checkup. The organizers believe that supporting the local music scene is crucial for its preservation and success. The past few years have taught them the importance of understanding their limits and not overreaching, leading to the ability to continue putting on one of the biggest weekends of music in Vermont annually. The festival aims to showcase the talent of local bands and provide a vibrant music scene for the community. Brian Nagle, one of the festival founders, remains passionate about discovering and showcasing new music, and is committed to supporting the local music scene through events like Waking Windows.
Soundbites: Waking Windows Returns
Waking Windows music festival in Vermont faced challenges in recent years but continues with a smaller, focused event, highlighting local and touring acts.
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