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Winter Solstice Community Celebration

Confluence Acupuncture on BrattBeat
Confluence Acupuncture
Building a Positive Community
Building a Positive Community (BAPC)
Vermont Hempicurean, Vermont Grow Barn, and Vermont Bud Barn
Vermont Hempicurean, Vermont Grow Barn, and Vermont Bud Barn
Leopard Frog Shop on BrattBeat
Leopard Frog Shop
Jones E Designs
Jones E Designs


Honor the darkness, celebrate the light!
This ceremony is a beautiful tradition that long-time Brattleboro residents Elise and Elliot Gunzburg host every year. It’s an expression of their art, care and love, curated as a unique celebration of the Light. They are also musicians and have been hosting drum and song circles, and you’ll get a chance to join in with them and their close friends for strong rhythms and many voices. To drum and sing along with a group is so very fun. And healing.
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Ceremony 6:30 pm
Drumming: bring a drum and join Tara Murphy, Chris Kenily and friends!
Dancing to live music by Freakquency
Chai & Pastries by Fire Arts Bakery & Cafe
Suggested donation $15 (or more if you can)
Proceeds go to Groundworks Drop-In Center and Boys and Girls Club of Brattleboro
We know there are many options around the holidays, and this one is a sweet, local, high-vibe one. We’d love for you to join us for this Solstice celebration! Please share this with friends. Kids are welcome. Rejoice in the Light!



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