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Migration From The Northern Triangle: They Are Here Because We Were There

Confluence Acupuncture on BrattBeat
Confluence Acupuncture
Building a Positive Community
Building a Positive Community (BAPC)
Vermont Hempicurean, Vermont Grow Barn, and Vermont Bud Barn
Vermont Hempicurean, Vermont Grow Barn, and Vermont Bud Barn
Leopard Frog Shop on BrattBeat
Leopard Frog Shop
Jones E Designs
Jones E Designs


Please join us in learning more about how U.S. intervention in Central America has created the economic and political crises and other push factors forcing people to migrate from the Northern Triangle. Topics will include U.S. military presence in the Northern Triangle region, banana republics, coup d’états, U.S. backed civil war and genocide, and mass deportations.


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