The second Guilford Planning Commission event for November is less than 2 weeks away. This event is intended for residents to take center stage and share their ideas and visions for Guilford’s future.
On Saturday, November 11, the Guilford Planning Commission is holding a community ‘Visioning Workshop.’ This is the final event of the Planning Commission’s Strategic Planning process that has been underway since this spring. It is a participatory, interactive event open to all Guilford residents. Its focus is on discussing what matters to Guilford residents both in regards to preserving our Town’s character and looking towards its future. In the individual sessions we will discuss what we want to maintain, evolve, or transform and articulate the Vision, Goals and Actions to get us there. This is intended to build upon the work already done in our Town Plan 2022-2030, the 2014 Guilford Community visit and other initiatives. The topics chosen arose from ideas that residents have shared at earlier Strategic Planning Process events.
How it works: There will be 6 Topic Tables, which will start at the times listed below. After a short presentation by our strategic planning partners from Dubois and King, Dan Mallach and Emily King, the remainder of the workshop time will feature hands-on, engaging activities designed to stimulate creative ways of thinking about the topics below.
10:00 – Welcome and Introduction
10:30 – Physical Connections
11:00 – Business and Economic Vitality
11:30 – Land Use Planning
12:00 – OPEN HOUSE and Lunch
12:30 – Public Facilities and Recreation
1:00 – Community Communications
1:30 – Health and Wellbeing
2:00 – “Report Out” from the Tables, Summary, Closing
Please stop at any time. Stay at a Topic Table for as long as you want, or just tour around. Workshopping for each of the Topics will start at the times listed above but the conversations can continue as long as needed! Snacks, Lunch and beverages will be provided.