‘Nu Mu Tu’ Graphic Scores
Concert Rescheduled to
September 1st Gallery Walk 5pm
All are invited to join the Brattleboro Community Improvisational Orchestra to perform the Graphic Scores created at the last Gallery Walk.
Light for a while on 118’s island of thoughtful, spontaneous, creative kindredship amid the hubbub Brattleboro’s September first Friday GalleryWalk!
118 will host the ‘Brattleboro Community Improvisational Orchestra’ from 5 to 9 pm at Gallery Walk with music starting at 6. These free improvisers will jam their interpretation of graphic musical scores created by community members at the previous (August) Gallery Walk.
118 continues to encourage creative responses to the ‘Sounds & Signs’ exhibit, curated by visiting jazz artist and educator Jeff
Lederer, at the September Gallery Walk. The exhibit explains what graphic musical scores are with interesting examples of them. 118 Elliot will provide material and work areas so people can enjoy experimenting with creating graphic scores, assigning sounds to musical drawings created in groups or alone within the evening’s collective spirit.
Friday September 1st at 5pm. Bring an instrument to use or use one that will be provided.