You’re in your favorite yoga class, practicing seated forward bends. Ahh. Stretching is your favorite part of yoga…
Then, suddenly: PING! You feel a pop at your sitting bone. For months and months afterward, stretching causes you pain. The injury just won’t go away and you’re frustrated that it’s taking so long to heal. You feel you have to give up your yoga practice.
Yep, sounds like the dreaded “yoga butt,” or proximal hamstring tendinopathy. That’s a fancy term that means an injury to the tendon of the hamstring muscle where it connects to your sitting bone.
Is there anything you can do about this frustrating interruption to your yoga practice?
Yes! Yes, there is.
In this workshop you’ll:
Learn the anatomy of proximal hamstring tendinopathies (AKA “yoga butt”) so that you understand the healing time frame and process.
Learn how to manage the injury in yoga classes so that you can continue your practice without fear you’ll make the condition worse. No, you don’t have to give up yoga!
Learn exercises to help manage pain and to help the healing process along. Yes, you can take action on this!
Come learn tools to help you manage frustration, to build confidence in your body’s robustness, and to empower you to address the condition so that you can continue the yoga practice you love.