Anniversary Dance! Come celebrate 2 years of Brattleboro bal folk!
There will be a jam session, cake, a potluck, decorations, Panda photo booth, dancing and live music on March 16!
3:30-5 Music jam session
5-6 Potluck
6-6:30 or 6:40 Beginners’ dance workshop
6:40-9 Bal (dance party)
Fun, accessible French and European traditional dances.
No experience or partner necessary.
Bring your instrument, something to share at the potluck, and your dance shoes! Don’t be intimidated by the “very little teaching” label on the last time slot…. come to the intro session and learn the basics, and even if you can’t make it to the intro session, we welcome everyone to jump in and figure it out during the bal! At these dances in France, people just kind of look around and see what other people are doing and if they can’t figure it out, they make it up! We’re all there to have a good time! Please join us!
Since we were so rudely interrupted by a snowstorm in January, our plans to feature a Pandemic Panda photo booth have been rescheduled for March 16, along with our cake and decorations plans. It’s going to be really festive! Don’t know who Panda is? Come find out!
Live music & dance instruction by Eloise & Co.
Becky Tracy, fiddle
Rachel Bell, accordion
Suggested donation sliding scale $12-$25
Dances range from beautiful to raucous. Even if you’ve never tried anything like this before, come on over! Feel free to listen and watch from the sidelines or jump in. We’ll teach you everything you need to know, and the crowd has a reputation for being welcoming, eager to draw newcomers into the fun. We will continue to offer variations and new dances to keep the experienced dancers engaged!
Please bring a clean pair of shoes to change into, or clean your shoes off thoroughly once you get inside, before you step onto the dance floor. We want to protect that beautiful wood floor!
Share our videos with friends to whet their appetite!
Masks are welcome but not required. Please stay home if you feel ill or are testing positive for Covid-19.
Mark your calendars for:
April 20 w/special guests Nicholas Williams & family, Broad Brook Community Center, 6:30-9
May 18 special plans TBA, Broad Brook Community Center, 6:30-9
June 15 @Guilford Park Pavilion w/jam, timing TBA
Watch for specific times and locations