A relational lab for emergent discovery facilitated by Taina Lyons.
movement! authentic relating! art! play!
What conditions support personal and collective transformation? In this structured experience we will experiment with curiosity, connection, and emotional alchemy.
This group is for you if you’re curious about gaining new insights or because you like to geek out on relational processes. The format of the space will begin with a “fishbowl” with two people in the center, but imagine it’s a fishbowl with a fun treasure chest, some seaweed, a mermaid and pretty gemstones in there too. (There will be other ways to engage the space besides verbal communication, with “stations” set up for this.)
The intention for holding this space is 1. to explore and co-create relational skills 2. to hold a container for gentle transformation and 3. to offer space for people to clear and alchemize charge or stuck energy.
Taina has experience with facilitating different kinds of rituals, movement classes, and group processes. This lab is inspired by Authentic Relating practices, Contact Improv, and a process of Living Facilitation informed by ecological principles and social justice frameworks.