Mehrnam Rastegari is a prominent Persian musician, film score composer, singer, violinist, and master Kamancheh player. She has been featured in some of the most prestigious music festivals worldwide, including GlobalFest in NYC, USA, Secret Planet in NYC, USA, Fajr International Music Festival in Tehran, Iran, the WOMEX (World Music Expo) in Tampere, Finland, Ragas Live Festival in NYC, USA, the International Competition named after Tlep Aspantaiuly in Astana, Kazakhstan, and numerous concerts across The United States, Germany, Switzerland, France, Iran, and more.
The Brooklyn based Mediterranean trio Habbina Habbina connects Brooklyn indie to Middle-Eastern psychedelia and Guitar twang mastery. Habbina Habbina plays what could be described as Mediterranean surf, with a surfing style that owes much to the Middle Eastern side of Dick Dale, or the Western side of Omar Khorshid. Habbina Habbina, named after a beloved song by syrian singer Farid El-Atrache, takes its inspiration from Egyptian pop, Greek tunes as well as all sorts of retro-Mediterranean-hits, James Bond Soundtracks, Umm Kulthum, Aris San and many more.
The Bandwagon Summer Series is a family-friendly outdoor cultural performance series running from early May through mid-October. 20 performances ranging from a diverse group of musical styles, circus arts, dance, and theater will take place at ballfields, farms, and parks throughout Windham County. Kids under 12 always get in for free, and a dedicated play area will be available at all shows. Refreshments are sold onsite, including the return of the hugely popular Barr Hill cocktails. Bring a picnic and a blanket or fold-up chair to enjoy our concerts.